The Green Party doesn’t have wealthy corporate sponsors, but that means that we have to ask our supporters and party members to contribute if they can.
If you want to support what we are doing, please consider making a regular or one-off donation. We will use the money well to support our election campaigns, usually by printing leaflets for our members and supporters to deliver.
How to make a donation
You can make donations easily and simply through PayPal:
You can make a one-off or regular monthly donation via PayPal, or by using the details below with your online banking provider.
- Sort Code: 60-14-55
- Account Number: 68258100
- Account Name: Milton Keynes Green Party
Or you can send a cheque to:
Milton Keynes Green Party
c/o 36 Station Road
Woburn Sands
Milton Keynes, MK17 8RW
If you wish to donate more than £500 in a year, you must be a citizen of the UK and on the UK electoral roll. Donations over £500 from any ineligible donor will be returned.

Vanessa Skelton