Green Party Selects General Election Candidate for new Milton Keynes Central constituency

Apr 6, 2024Front Page News, News

In the next general election Frances Bonney will represent the Green Party in the Milton Keynes Central constituency.

Frances Bonney has lived in Oxford since 1993, and has worked for the last 15 years for Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as a Communications Officer. This has given her an in-depth knowledge of the challenges facing the NHS, as well as an interest in the health and housing needs of the community. She works with NHS colleagues to encourage sustainable travel and improve travel options for patients and staff.
Frances and her husband Keith have been long-term members of the Green Party, with a lifelong passion for the protection of the environment and green policies, as well as an increasing interest in both local and national politics.

Frances says:

“I was delighted to be chosen to represent the Green Party in the new constituency of Milton Keynes Central. I am increasingly concerned with the relentless rise in the cost of living, which is shutting young people out of opportunities enjoyed by my generation. There has been a deterioration in the condition of nature and the environment, locally and globally. The NHS is struggling for survival, and there has been a decline in standards in public life.

I strongly believe that everyone should have the option to vote Green in the next general election. Not only is the Green Party the most aligned with my own values and priorities, it has an impressive leadership team. It is the only political party currently offering a genuine alternative to the mainstream parties that have dominated politics for so long.”

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