Milton Keynes Greens select local postie as their candidate for Newport Pagnell South by-election

Aug 21, 2023Front Page News, News

Milton Keynes Green Party has selected Gary Lloyd as its candidate for Newport Pagnell
South by-election. Gary lives in Oakridge Park, very close to the ward, and works in the
ward as a postie. He often delivers the mail in and around Newport Pagnell High Street.
He is also the CWU Union Rep for his delivery office in Newport Pagnell.

Gary has been an environmental activist and campaigner for several decades. He has lived in
Milton Keynes for four years, having previously lived nearby in Bedfordshire. He served as a Parish
Councillor in Harrold in Bedfordshire for four years, learning how the bottom tier of local
Government works, and helping his local community.

Gary Lloyd said,

“I was shocked and horrified by the appalling and immoral behaviour of
the previous Conservative Councillor for the Ward, whose resignation has led to this by-
election. I was moved to stand by the belief that Newport Pagnell South deserves better
representation by someone who will selflessly work to improve the Ward, and will care
about local issues such as transport, housing, and support for local businesses.

With so little to distinguish the traditional ‘main’ parties at present, the people of Newport
Pagnell South deserve the chance to choose a different and progressive path for their
representative on Milton Keynes Council. An independent Green voice on the council has
the chance to work for the common good without the constraints of local party politics, and
can make a real difference to influencing policy on a hung council. I would regard it as a
privilege to serve the people of Newport Pagnell South and would work hard to improve
quality of life in the ward.”

Gary, 58, works as a postie in the ward, and he and his wife, a Deputy Head at a primary school,
have two grown-up sons and two granddaughters. Since their children left home they have both
volunteered for refugee charities and have hosted refugees in their home.

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